Page 9 - By The Waters Of Liverpool - Information Booklet
P. 9


          Caused  by panic  selling  on  the New York
          stock exchange following an artificial boom
          from 1927 to 1929 fed by speculation. On
          the  24th  October  1929,  13  million  shares
          changed hands, with further heavy selling
          on the 28th October and the disposal of 16
          million shares on the 29th October. As the
          crash deepened  many  shareholders were
          ruined,  banks and  businesses  failed,  and
          in the depression that followed, US unem-
          ployment rose to approximately 17 million.

                                                              HOW THE CRASH AFFECTED EUROPE

                                                              People in Europe faced homelessness and
                                                              unemployment  at  alarming  rates.  Studies
                                                              carried out in the United Kingdom between
                                                              1934 and 1938 showed that 19 percent of
          Panic-stricken investors on Wall Street after the stock market   the people were on a substandard diet.
                       crash of 29th October 1929.

          The repercussions of the Wall Street Crash          Along  with  homelessness  and  unemploy-
          experienced throughout the USA were also            ment,  one  of  the  most  significant  effects
          felt in Europe, worsened by the reduction of        of  the  depression  in  Europe  was  the  rise
          US loans. A world economic crisis followed          of extremist political parties. In the United
          the crash, bringing an era of depression and        Kingdom, both  the Communist Party  and
          unemployment. Between the 29th October              the British Union of Fascists received popu-
          and the 30th November (when stock prices            lar support in run-down areas of many inner
          hit their lowest point), over $30 billion dis-      cities. Extremism was most apparent in Ger-
          appeared from the American economy.                 many, where Adolf  Hitler seized the chance
                                                              to win the backing of many Germans dissat-

          The greatest financial crisis in US history. The    isfied with the leadership of their country
          collapse of the stock market ended a period         after World War I.
          of prosperity and ushered in the `Great
          Depression’.                                        He persuaded many Germans that he would
                                                              make  them  proud  of  their  nation  once
                                                              again. Hitler gained control of the country
                                                              in 1933. He soon began to re-arm Germany,
                                                              which put industry back to work again and
                                                              reduced  unemployment,  but  ultimately,
                                                              Hitler’s Nazi ideology would lead to World
                                                              War II.
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